Nowadays, people of every age group is facing back pain problem. There are various causes of back pain. I can’t cover all these factors in this blog but I will tell you why this problem is so common and also tells you about it’s a solution.
The foremost reason for the back problem is our sitting and sleeping position. People who spent most of their time sitting at one place in the same position for a long duration of time they are facing this problem or will gonna face back problem in the future. Placing the head on the pillow is also create a back problem in the long term.
Now, I’m going to talk about the solution to back pain. Yoga or exercise helps to solve the problem of any kind of body pain. Because by doing exercise or yoga our body gets strengthened. Although sleeping with a pillow also makes your spine strong.
In a nutshell, with just little self-care we can cure normal back pain.
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